Inner guidance in the middle of the night

Posted By Susan on May 22, 2013 | 2 comments

There are nights when I can’t sleep. I wake up two hours after I’ve gone to bed and lay there both trying to fall back to sleep and wondering if I should just get up. Most nights I doze off again fairly quickly. And then there are the other times. The times where I lay in bed, awake for hours. Can you relate?

I used to get frustrated when this would happen—after all, I have to get up soon and start my day! But lately, I’ve been trying to pay attention to what is truly keeping me awake. What is so important that my soul needs my attention? What is my inner guidance making sure I don’t miss? 


The busy day

Most of my daytime hours are filled with lots of people, loud noise, continuous attention to a clock, and an ever-growing “to do” list. So where is the time for me to listen to me? I think my body has decided the most effective time to recalibrate is at night. I wake up and can’t get back to sleep because my energy is out of balance. I might need to clear other’s energy I’ve absorbed throughout the day, process unresolved matters, or perhaps feel what’s in my heart. I’m not sure why I can’t fall back to sleep. What I do know is it’s time for me to pay attention.


The quiet night

Nights are quiet—both auditorily and energetically. If I am able to “rest” into it, I find it very pleasant to be up by myself in the middle of the night. For one, I’m not affected by other people’s energy. I look out the window at the night sky and relish the moon and stars. I feel more connected to the energy of the universe when I do this. I feel more at peace.

Sure, sometimes what keeps me awake is the “business” of the day—things I haven’t gotten done, how a particular meeting went, what I need to do tomorrow, etc. Even then, these hours in the night are a time when, if I choose, I can connect with a deeper part of myself. So, how do I do this? How do I attend to my own inner guidance? 


What I do

Relax. Listen. Appreciate.

Relax: I’m awake. Once I accept this fully and try not to change it, I am much better off. I take a few deep breaths and try to quiet the chatter in my mind.

Listen:  I ask my guides to show me what it is I need to see at this moment. And then I listen. What are the messages that come through? What are the images that appear? Sometimes I receive a message about the next step to take in relation to something I’m working on. Other times I might see someone’s face who has passed, or a place that has particular meaning for me. These are gifts from my higher self. They are the guidance I need in order to be more fully present with myself in this moment and in the forthcoming days.

Appreciate: At some point I become aware that I’m feeling sleepy again. Usually this is a sign that I’ve gotten some beautiful nugget from my deep self; I’ve heard the cry from within. I give thanks to my higher self, to my angels and spirit guides for reaching out to me and for finding a way to get my attention. And I thank myself for noticing the importance of this moment and for paying attention. Then I fall back to sleep. 

What in your soul needs your attention?

I know I am not, by far, the only person who goes through this. What are your experiences in the middle of the night? How do you find time to listen to your inner guidance? I’d like to hear. 

If you want help listening to the important messages from you soul, book a Clairvoyant Psychic reading with me here and we can listen together. If you aren’t sure, contact me and we can set up a consultation to discuss whether a reading might be right for you.

What else I’m up to

~   Alan and I recently returned from Kauai, HI. I am trying to maintain the strong connection to the earth I feel when I’m there. Each day since I have been back, I sit for a few moments and conjure up the sound of the ocean waves, the views from the deck of where we stay and the feeling of the sand and the water on my body.

~   I will soon be visiting two friends whom I have known since college. I treasure the time I spend with them each year. There is a comfort and continuity with them that I relish. Our friendship is such a blessing to me. 

~   I’m focusing on life management. How do I structure my calendar so that I create space to attend to the things that matter to me? It’s one thing to set the time aside in my calendar, or in my mind. It’s another to actually do what I’ve said I would, in the time slots I’ve set aside. This is a work in progress. I’ll keep you posted. 

With love and light,





  1. I can relate to your story about being awake in the middle of the night. It is useful to enjoy the quiet and peace of being alone with myself at that hour—I may as well. At the same time, what has come roaring at me is that there is definitely an imbalance somewhere that calls to me. And until I resolve those issues and find some balance my emotional body will not let me rest.

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    • I quite agree. That is exactly why I try to listen to the guidance that comes to me when I’m awake. I hope it will help me deepen my understanding of what’s “on my mind” and lead me to finding resolution. It’s not always easy, but often I will hear, feel or see something that helps me toward that end.

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