Field of Dreams

Posted By Susan on Jun 19, 2018 | 4 comments

I’ve seen the film Field of Dreams at least a dozen times. So, I’m not sure why, as I was watching it recently, it occurred to me that among other things, this movie is very much a lesson in listening to your spirit guides. There is so much I love about this movie. First, a movie that leads so many grown men to cry at the ending and which connects them to memories about their childhoods and their relationship with their fathers makes it a keeper for me. But when my husband and I were watching it yet again, I was struck by what it says about psychic guidance and the spiritual world. 

At first, when Ray (played by Kevin Costner) hears the voice say, “If you build it he will come,” he’s surprised and confused. As the voice keeps returning with this and other messages, he realizes that he can’t ignore it, even though he doesn’t know whose voice it is, where it is coming from, or why he is hearing it. He talks about it with his incredibly supportive wife, Annie (played by Amy Madigan), and she ultimately encourages him to listen to the message and follow it where it takes him. (Everyone could use a spouse like Annie.)

Ray plows down a substantial part of his corn field and builds a baseball field in it’s place. He drives from Iowa to Boston and then to Minnesota because of the messages he keeps receiving from the voice. He is willing to take a chance at “losing everything.” As the messages keep coming, he follows their guidance, even though it’s not easy to trust that which you can’t see or to tolerate the ambiguity of not knowing where the journey will lead you. Of course, we never really know where we are headed anyway. We just sometimes forget that. Ray, at least, finds the courage to listen, trust and follow. 

It helps that he has people to support him on this odyssey—his wife, of course, and, eventually, the sage-like author Terence Mann (played by James Earl Jones), who finds himself on his own quest as well. These two people are wise, kind, compassionate, supportive and understanding of the importance of this pilgrimage to Ray. And, as they accompany him along this journey, they too learn to trust themselves, each other and Spirit. 

When we receive messages from the spirit world, it would be really nice if they were detailed, clear and with an articulated outcome. But that isn’t usually how it works. Sometimes we don’t immediately understand what these messages mean, but we have a “sense” that they are important for us. 

When I teach people about working with their intuition, their spirit guides and the messages that they receive, there are a few key points I present, and this movie highlights them:

  • Listen—this often requires a certain amount of internal stillness
  • Trust what you hear 
  • Rest in the space of not knowing
  • Follow the guidance that comes—even if it feels scary sometimes 
  • Trust what follows and that you are on the right path
  • Keep listening
  • Thank the universe for the messages and the guidance

Do you create space in your life to listen? Do you trust the messages that you get, or brush them off? Do you have people who you can talk with and who can support you on your spiritual journey? 

I want to encourage you to let those messages in, however they come. Trust that they come from a deep inner knowing, from a connection with Spirit, and that these messages are here to guide you on your spiritual journey. 

Work with me

I would love to help you learn to better listen to and follow your own spirit guides. Contact me if you want to talk about how we might do that together.

A note about my blog

I have not posted a blog in many months. And I have missed that. I’d like to share my thoughts more regularly with you with the hope of opening a dialogue between us. So, if there are topics or questions that you are interested in, I would be delighted to hear from you.

What else I’m up to

~ Books: I recently finished reading the novel The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George; I just began Immortal Diamond: The Search for Our True Self by the Franciscan monk, Richard Rohr; and I’m re-reading a book about sacred geometry, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek.

~ Recently, I returned from a week up the coast where, in between working with clients, I walked along the northern California beaches and cliffs with my husband and our dog watching Grey Whales, Harbor Seals and finding stillness.

~ I am relishing listening to the beautiful song birds in our neighborhood. Such joyful sounds from such little creatures. I am grateful that they share my world. 

With love and light,



  1. Hi Susan! I really enjoy your blog. I too believe in the spiritual world and it’s messages. Their guidance is what helps me through tough times. Your blog is very important, and I appreciate the tips you provide in it. I will watch the movie, too. Thank you, Susan!

    Love and light,


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    • Thank you Rose. Keep trusting those messages. Blessings.

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  2. I think you are amazing, anything you write is an inspiration. I cannot wait to make time to see you again.
    You have helped me understand the rewards of patience and listening to my guides and of coarse myself. There is always love in everything you do and that is what shines through when I listen to you. Please keep writing and I will see you soon.

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    • Kimberly, Thank you. I’m delighted that you are discovering the rewards of listening to your guides and to your inner voice. I look forward to seeing you whenever that feels right for you. Blessings.

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