Just take a breath

Posted By Susan on Jun 26, 2019 | 8 comments

Over the years I have found that many of my clients would like to be more attuned to their own inner counsel and their Spirit Guides. And, they find this challenging to do. 

Our lives are so busy, so full. We get up, go to work, and perhaps try to get a little exercise as well. There are children to take care of, pets to be attended to, shopping to do, meals to be made, and bills to pay. Plus, we “have to” check in with our favorite news outlets as well as with social media. There is also time and energy spent thinking, or perhaps worrying about, all of the stuff we did do, have to do, haven’t done yet and want to do. (I get tired just thinking about it all!) This leaves little time to quiet the mind for deeper listening. 

And so people come to me for a little guidance and support in this quest. And they often tell me something like, “I know I need to meditate. I really know that. I just don’t have the time.” 

I get it. I’m not asking or suggesting that they meditate—although I think that would be great. Creating time to sit for ten, twenty, thirty minutes can be difficult, if not seemingly impossible. So, what to do?

How about this: just pause, for ten seconds, and take a breath.

Of all the things you can do during the course of your day pausing to breathe is one that will serve you in surprising and fulfilling ways. It’s like a mini reset.

A conscious breath gives your body, mind, and spirit a moment to rejuvenate. Physically, it fills your blood with oxygen. Emotionally, it helps you release the feelings that are building up inside of you—especially with the exhale. Energetically, it helps you rebalance. And, if you do this several times a day, it may even help you to listen that elusive inner voice. 

What do I mean when I say pause and take a breath? Obviously, you are breathing all the time. I am asking you to pay close attention to just one breath. (Really, just one… at least for now.) One breath in which you take this moment and bring your complete focus to the inhale and then to the exhale. It’s a way to locate yourself in this present moment. 

Consciously inhale—slowly—through your nose, pause, and then exhale—slowly—through your mouth. If you’d like, you can set an intention. You might ask to let go of that which is not working for you right now. Or perhaps you breathe in peace, light or love, and exhale worry, stress or fear. Maybe you ask to restore your body, mind and spirit. These are just a few suggestions. My hope is that you find what works for you in each conscious breath.

Of course, you still have to remember to take those ten seconds for yourself. But, I don’t think this is as difficult as it might seem.

Ask yourself: “Do I have time to take one breath?” Of course you do. Before you get out of your car, stand up from your desk, sit down to eat a meal, go into your meeting or talk with your partner—take a breath. While you are waiting for your coffee order to come up, walking your dog, standing in line, or sitting in traffic—take a breath. Take a conscious breath just before you get out of bed in the morning and again when you get back into bed in the evening. And if you have children, invite them to do this with you!

As a way to remember, you can set reminders on your phone or place little sticky notes in all the obvious places. Then, when you see the note that says “breathe”, take a moment, inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale slowly through your mouth. You might even decide to do it twice! 

Let me know how this goes for you, privately or in the “Comments” section below. What worked and what didn’t? If this is a practice that you incorporate, are you more able to listen to your inner counsel and your spirit guides? 

Perhaps we can all help and support each other in finding ways to pause, breathe and listen. 

Work with me

If you would like some support listening to your inner counsel and Spirit Guides, please contact me and we can talk about how we might do that together.

What else I’m up to

~ We just returned from a trip to Gualala where I worked with my local clients in the area, and I walked the cliffs and the beaches of northern CA with my husband and dog. 

~ I am taking a Tarot class this summer.

~ I am appreciating the warmer weather, the company of friends and the joys of celebrating the births of friends and families babies arriving into this world. 

With love and light,





Thanks for reading.


  1. I totally agree with you. Even though I am retired I still find myself very busy. I have for quite a while taken what I call “Zen” moments when I am sitting in traffic, waiting in a line at a store, etc. It definitely keeps me sane although I would benefit from some meditation time also :).

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    • Thanks Jackie. I like the idea of “Zen” moments.

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  2. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I noticed that as I was reading it I started taking that one long breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. 💜

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    • Thank you Hedi. That’s great. One breath at a time.

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  3. I have three specific breathing exercises I use all the time…even daily. They have helped me to center myself and relax for about the last twenty years. They’re easy to do and don’t take time from my other activities.

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    • That’s great to hear Henry. I’m glad that you have a practice that works for you. That’s so important.

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  4. Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m on the train to work as we speak and did exactly that, took a few minutes to take a few conscious breaths and it’s amazing how much it helps to reset and recenter the mind. I do try and meditate regularly but don’t always find the time to practice in the morning, which is my preferred time. This is so helpful on days like when I don’t have the time to sit in the morning. Now I can utilize this breathing practice throughout the day.

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    • Tony, I’m glad that this helped you on your way to work this morning, and hopefully many more in the future. Thank you for sharing your experience.

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